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Vote Loki. OCTOBER 2016

Paperback book Published by MARVEL Comics.

Loki is many things: god, trickster, brother, son, villain, even hero. Now he wants to add one more title to the list: President of the United States! That's right, the God of Lies wants to be ruler of the free world! But is this just another scheme? One fact is certain: With Loki's winning smile and silver tongue on the campaign trail, this election just got a lot more interesting! He'll soon have the American people eating out of the palm of his hand, but can would-be President Laufeyson sway the media? And what will be his response when the heroes of Earth launch their attack ad? A crisis in Latveria offers Loki the chance to demonstrate his foreign policy...but surely he wouldn't cause a national catastrophe just for a little good press? Would he? COLLECTING: VOTE LOKI #1-4; MATERIAL FROM JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #85, AVENGERS (1963) #300.

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