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Wild Storm - #7. Written by Warren Ellis. Art by Jon Davis-Hunt.

NOVEMBER 2017. First Print. Considered Near Mint Grade. 

Jackie King, chief analyst at I.O., tries to make sense of all the pieces scattered across the board since Angela Spica saved Jacob Marlowe's life. Angela Spica wakes up at Jacob Marlowe's safe house and starts to realize how far from real life she's been thrown since then. But life is not slowing down, and Marlowe's wild covert action team have to extract the last member of their number from an I.O. black site. Meet John Colt—moments before he's either rescued or murdered or dissected to reveal a secret kept for thousands of years. 


Michael Cray, the world's best professional killer, is going to get himself killed for refusing to assassinate an innocent. Angela Spica, whose only mistake was saving someone's life, is discovering that her life is over forever, and that the people in this strange new world she's forced to survive in...may not be people at all. Treaties have been breached. Secrets are being told. There's a war coming.

THE WILD STORM will skip shipping in August and return in September! 

Regular price $3.00 USD
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