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Transformers : Titans Return #1. Written by Mairghread Scott, James Roberts and John Barber. Art and Cover by Livio Ramondelli

2016. First Print. Considered Near Mint Grade.

THE LAST AUTOBOT! Once he ruled CYBERTRON with a brutal (and literal) iron fist... left for dead four million years ago, SENTINEL PRIME is back. But in a world where STARSCREAM rules CYBERTON, OPTIMUS PRIME has invaded Earth, and MEGATRON is an AUTOBOT-SENTINEL doesn't like what he sees! Bullet points: The story continues in TRANSFORMERS #56 and MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE #56 next month, and expands to TILL ALL ARE ONE this fall! For the first time ever-Scott, Roberts, and Barber working together on one story! Plus the powerful noir art of superstar Livio Ramondelli! After OPTIMUS is hailed; after the LIGHT dies... the next phase of TRANSFORMERS comics starts here!

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